
Patton 2450 MINILINKâ„¢ – 5 PK

SKU: 1152 Category:




The Patton Model 2450 MiniLink™ gives you what you’d never expect in a package this small and affordable — a high quality DDS CSU/DSU! The Model 2450 supports 56 kbps DDS, 64 kbps Clear Channel, or private twisted pair communication. Operating synchronouslyover two twisted pair, the Model 2450 is available with your choice of V.35,RS-232 or RS-422 DTE interfaces. Clocking can be set for internal (master), external (DTE) or receive recover (network). Local and remote V.54 test modes are built-in, as well as a V.52BERT pattern generator. Front panel LED indicators monitor TD, RD, CD, No Signal, Errorand Test mode. When used in a campus environment, the Model 2450 supports point-to-pointdistances up to 3.4 miles (5.5 km) over two 26 AWG (.4mm) twisted pair.



Model Name



MiniLink™ 56/64-kbps CSU/DSU

Additional information

Weight 5.00 lbs
Dimensions 1.65 × 4.18 × 3.96 in


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