The Telenetics RM16M can be used with dial or lease line modems with restoral, DSU/CSUs or ISDN. Raymar can provide you with the correct solution for your rack mount requirements in a simple, easy to use rack system. In a rack mount solution, the Telenetics RM16M shelf is THE product of choice. Whether you need V.3600 modems, FT100 dual port T1 DSU, or a UTA 220 ISDN card, there is a rack to fit your requirements. Power options include 115 VAC, -48 VDC, 230 VAC; RJ45 or mass termination.
Nests feature modular, redundant power supplies, multiple backplane configurations, and the ability to mount in either a 19″ or 23″ cabinet using a reversible bracket, with superior value over a wide range of SCADA, point-to-point, and multi-drop applications.The enclosure supports the V.3600/V3600 modem series, the MR64 CSU/DSU, all FT100 CSU/DSU, and the Telenetics DSP9612/DSP 9612 and MOT202T modems. (Also supported are many other legacy Motorola modems.)
Snap-to-backplane segments permit an exact equipment match on a slot-by-slot basis. Each RM16M card has its own power supply so that problems with an individual device will not disable an entire shelf and features convection cooling for most applications.