The Raymar-Telenetics Penril V.34 modem operates at speeds up to 33.6Kbps over the standard Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) in accordance with ITU-R V.34 recommendation and over 2- or 4-wire unconditioned leased lines. Call setup is accommodated by either ITU-R V.8 or V.25 procedures. Channel probing by the Penril V.34 automatically conditions the unit for maximum throughput and performance. Asymmetrical connection data rates allow maximum throughput when channel directional characteristics differ. The Penril V.34 provides fallback rates in accordance with the V.34 recommendation to accommodate channel limtis: 33.6K, 28.8K, 26.4K, 24.0K, 21.6K, 19.2K, 16.8K, 14.4K, 12.0K, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, and 0-300 bits per second (bps).
The Raymar-Telenetics Penril V.34 will fall back to non-V.34 modes to connect with installed base V.32terbo, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, Bell 212A, V.22, V.21, and V.23 modems. Also, the Penril family of modems support ITU-T V.13 for half-duplex simulation to work with those systems already configured for half-duplex modems. The V.29 Fast Train (FT) mode is available for multidrop applications on all Penril modems.