Raymar Telenetics new DSP 9600 / DSP9612 Flash Poll Modem, is the ideal for use in industrial and harsh environmental applications. The Telenetics FlashPoll DSP9612 is a dual mode, full-featured 9600 Fast Poll and Bell 202T leased line modem with the fastest training time in the industry: 23 msec RTS/CTS delay. Ideal for utility and industrial automation multi-drop applications, including SCADA systems, traffic automation, and oil & gas automation projects where an unlimited number of drops is desirable. The Telenetics DSP9612 is a standalone modem designed for 4-wire, full-duplex, or 2-wire, half-duplex operation over a voice-band leased line or private wire/unloaded metallic circuit. The modem design utilizes the latest digital-signal processing (DSP) technology to achieve high performance.